
Bare Trust filing

Bare trust filing exemption announced for 2024

  The rules around bare trust reporting are shifting again. The Canada Revenue Agency yesterday announced that bare trusts will be exempted from filing a T3 Income Tax and Information Return, including Schedule 15 (Beneficial Ownership Information of a Trust) for the 2024 tax year. The exception will be in cases where the CRA directly […]

advisor discussing new CRA trust reporting rules

Ignore erroneous $100 fines for on-time trust filing, CRA says

Some taxpayers who were required to file a trust return for 2023 may have been surprised to discover that they’d been assessed a late-filing penalty of $100 by the Canada Revenue Agency for the on-time filing of the Schedule 15 (Beneficial Ownership Information of a Trust) form that accompanied their 2023 T3 Income Tax and […]

credit card debts

September tax news: Why you can be liable for a family member’s tax debts–and much more

YOU CAN BE LIABLE FOR A FAMILY MEMBER’S TAX DEBTS! There Beware of getting money, gifts or transfers of property from a family member, including your spouse, if that person owes (or might possibly owe) any money to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), for either income tax or GST/HST. The CRA has the ability to […]

rResidential property risk from the Underused Housing Tax

April tax news: Residential property risk, bare trust dangers & taxable tips

RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY WARNING — HUGE PENALTIES!! Are you involved with a residential property that is not owned directly by a human being who is either a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada? For example: A cottage is held in a Trust, which the family patriarch set up before his death years ago, so […]

Trust Reporting

No, trust reporting rules haven’t changed—yet

Canadian taxpayers would be forgiven for being at least slightly confused in recent months by the federal government’s new incoming (yet delayed) trust reporting requirements. You’ll recall that in the 2018 federal budget, Ottawa laid out plans that would require all non-resident trusts to provide additional beneficial ownership information alongside the T3 returns they are […]