
CRA prescribed rate

COVID-19 Update: Tax payment deadlines extended once again

The federal government continues to enact measures to address the economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 crisis, this time announcing yet another extension of tax payment due dates for 2019 tax returns. Individuals, corporations and trusts will now have until September 30th, 2020, to pay outstanding current-year tax balances. The previous payment deadline was September […]

M&A deal

M&A opportunities and challenges in the COVID-19 era

COVID-19 changed our world overnight as it quickly evolved from a global health crisis to a global economic crisis. Countries around the world closed non-essential businesses and pressed pause on their economies in order to stop, or at least slow, the spread of the novel coronavirus. A global pandemic was always going to be bad […]

Canada-United States flags

What USMCA means for Canadian businesses doing cross-border trade with the U.S.

  U.S. President Donald Trump has gotten his way. The new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) was put into effect as of July 1—the earliest date possible following the agreement’s ratification in April. Modernizing the North American Free Trade Agreement (the USMCA’s predecessor) was a key part of Trump’s campaign in 2016 and the pressure was on […]

CECRA Toronto skyline

COVID-19: A primer on the CECRA rent relief program for SMEs

We’ve blogged extensively in recent weeks about the much-maligned Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance program (CECRA) and its undue complexity—even though the initiative is intended to relieve the burden on small and mid-sized businesses struggling due to COVID-19. We’ve been fielding countless calls from entrepreneurs who are still confused about the program and how it […]

Prescribed rate

COVID-19 UPDATE: Filing deadline extensions announced for corporations, trusts

UPDATE: On the heels of the federal government’s announcement this week of penalty deferrals for late T1 filings—which came in addition to a previous extension of the 2019 tax filing deadline to June 1, 2020, all to help Canadians impacted by COVID-19—Ottawa is also granting filing deadline extensions for certain corporations and trusts. Corporations that […]

COVID-19: New Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy updates

The federal government has provided a series of updates and clarifications regarding deduction considerations and qualification eligibility for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, a program designed to encourage employers to retain workers or re-hire those that have been laid off due to COVID-19. The updates are available on the program’s FAQ page and are in […]

COVID-19: Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy extended to August

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today announced that the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy is being extended until August 29th, 2020. The measure was set to expire on June 6th, 2020. The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy is designed to encourage small- to medium-sized businesses to retain or rehire employees and avoid layoffs as the pandemic carries on. […]

COVID-19: Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance update

Of the many government relief programs implemented over the past two months to deliver aid to businesses and individuals financially impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, none have sowed more confusion and frustration than the Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance benefit. Business groups have called out the CMHC-administered program’s complexity and reliance on the goodwill of commercial […]

COVID-19: Ottawa announces new one-time relief payment for senior citizens

The federal government has announced a new one-time COVID-19 relief benefit for senior citizens impacted by social-distancing lockdowns and the ensuing economic upheaval. The support measure will provide seniors eligible for the Old Age Security (OAS) pension with a tax-free payment of $300, along with an additional $200 payment for those who qualify for the […]