
Prescribed rate

COVID-19 UPDATE: Filing deadline extensions announced for corporations, trusts

UPDATE: On the heels of the federal government’s announcement this week of penalty deferrals for late T1 filings—which came in addition to a previous extension of the 2019 tax filing deadline to June 1, 2020, all to help Canadians impacted by COVID-19—Ottawa is also granting filing deadline extensions for certain corporations and trusts. Corporations that […]

Government of Canada Prescribed Rate

CRA announces new tax filing extensions as part of COVID-19 relief measures

  The federal government today announced tax filing extensions to help individual Canadians and businesses manage through the COVID-19 crisis. Businesses, including self-employed individuals, will be allowed to defer GST/HST payments, as well as custom duties on imports, until June 30, 2020. The deferral generally applies to remittances that would be due between March and […]