
executors executing last will and testament of a client

April tax news: Tax strategies for estate executors, taxes on crypto–and more

TAX CONSIDERATIONS FOR EXECUTORS   Being asked to be the Executor of someone’s estate is a significant responsibility, often coming at a very sad time if that person is a family member. The responsibility is not something which should be taken on lightly. The estate administration process can sometimes take years to complete. There are […]

rResidential property risk from the Underused Housing Tax

April tax news: Residential property risk, bare trust dangers & taxable tips

RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY WARNING — HUGE PENALTIES!! Are you involved with a residential property that is not owned directly by a human being who is either a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada? For example: A cottage is held in a Trust, which the family patriarch set up before his death years ago, so […]

Canadian entrepreneurs worried about doing business in China should rest easy—for now

It would be an understatement to say that relations between Canada and China have hit an all-time low. For the business community, the rift is causing major uncertainty and trepidation. The question on many a Canadian CEO’s mind: Should we be doing business in China right now? The short answer is: yes. But more on […]

CRA changes treatment of U.S. LLPs, LLLPs

Canadian investors received some bad news from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) recently. Ottawa announced that it is changing the treatment of U.S. limited liability partnerships (LLPs) and limited liability limited partnerships (LLLPs). Moving forward subject to transitional relief for structures currently in place, LLPs and LLLPs will be taxed as corporations in Canada. The […]

Positive news on tax rules for spousal, common-law, alter ego, joint partner trusts

Effective January 1, 2016 there will be significant changes to the taxation of trusts and estates, including alter ego, joint spousal / common-law partner and spousal / common-law partner trusts. There has been significant uncertainty in the tax community as a result of the impending legislation. Specifically, the new subsection 104(13.4) of the Federal Income […]